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8 Days Uganda Adventure Safari Itinerary

8 Days Uganda Adventure Safari

Holiday Destinations
  • Bwindi Impenetrable
  • Murchison Falls
  • Queen Elizabeth
Holiday Details
  • Duration: 8 Days
  • Country: Uganda
  • Departures: Entebbe


  • Gorilla Tracking
  • Game Drive
  • Boat Cruise

Day 01: Arrival Entebbe

Depending on time of arrival at Entebbe Airport, you’ll be welcomed and transferred to Hotel in Kampala. Dinner and overnight at Ndere center. (Optional) visit to Uganda wildlife Educational Centre (UWEC) which show cases all the animals in our parks apart from the Gorillas Meal Plan: FB

Day 02: Kampala to Bwindi National park (9-10 hours’ drive).

After our morning breakfast we shall transfer to Bwindi National Park, making a stopover at the Equator a great place for memories and beautiful pictures. Then we shall continue with our journey making a second stopover in Masaka town for lunch at a selected restaurant and then we proceed. For the rest of the journey enjoy the change in culture. Dinner and overnight at Ruhija safari lodge.

Day 03: Magical Encounter with the Mountain Gorillas

You will rise relatively early for a jovial breakfast to give you the energy needed for gorilla tracking. Report to the ranger station at 08.00 am where the guides will take you through the forest, slashing at the undergrowth, to track gorillas. This trek can take from half an hour to five hours therefore, a reasonable degree of fitness is required as well as a sturdy pair of walking shoes. On top of that, there are other animals and birds which you could see on the way. You will spend only one hour with the gorillas as you listen, watch and marvel at them. It is amazing, for one to be in audience with these giants and think they would attack you. However, these gentle giants as they are known don’t attack anybody unless they are threatened, and sometimes, they tease you by jumping up and down and hitting their chests to scare you and see what your reaction would be. Under the circumstances, it is advisable not to look at them directly into their eyes, but look down and don’t show any jocular actions that may be interpreted as an attack to them, keep silence and talk in small tones. And after one hour, they will leave you where you are or your guide will tell you when to depart. If you have the afternoon free, we could walk to the water fall nearby or you can take a guided village amongst the locals. Dinner and overnight as above. Meal plan Full board.

Day 04: Queen Elizabeth National Park

After breakfast, transfer to Queen Elizabeth national park and enjoy Ishasha drive as you enter a clear view of the western arm of the Great Rift Valley. We’ll try our luck upon the search of Ishasha tree climbing lions (2-3hrs game drive). For the rest of the journey enjoy the wonderful scenery of Lake Katwe (salt lakes), craters, Lake George and Lake Edward, plus wildlife such as the Savannah elephant, buffalo, tree climbing lion, and impala. Lots of different bird species can be seen. We shall have a picnic stopover for lunch and continue with our journey. Evening sightseeing around the craters and the baboon cliff. Dinner and overnight at Bush lodge.

Day 05: Morning Game Drive and afternoon Boat cruise

Take a cup of coffee and go for an early morning game drive in this park, provide excellent opportunities to see Lions, Cape Buffaloes, Giant Forest Hogs, Leopards, Elephants, Defassa Waterbucks, Uganda Kobs, Topi and Bush bucks and many more. We shall come back for a formal breakfast. Lunch and relaxation at the lodge. After lunch, enjoy the unique 2-hour Launch cruise on the Kazinga Channel and into Lake Edward. This trip passes through possibly the highest concentration of Hippos and many animals and birds, may be seen drinking at the water's edge. This launch cruise offers an excellent platform for photography, bird watching and game viewing, ideal for the Uganda safari. The prolific bird life is colorful and stupendous with well over 550 resident species. All meals and overnight as above.

Day 06: Transfer to Murchison falls National Park

After breakfast, we shall transfer to Murchison falls NP. This is one of the longest journey on road, the road is bumpy and dirt. We shall have en-route lunch on our way. After we shall continue with our journey to Murchison falls reaching late at our accommodation for dinner and overnight at Fort Murchison lodge.

Day 07: Games drive and boat cruise (Day’s activity).

We will have a morning game drive in the national park with its underlain ancient Precambrian metamorphic rocks which date back more than 500 million years. It is home to 350 bird species as well as zebra, impala, eland, buffalo, oribi, Defassa waterbuck, hippos, hyena, topi and reedbuck after our breakfast , then we shall proceed to the accommodation area for Lunch and after lunch, we shall go for our launch cruise at the bottom of the falls, then after we shall go back for our dinner and Overnight as above.

Day 08: Murchison falls to Entebbe

Breakfast as we transfer to Entebbe. We shall have a drive to the top of the falls, to see how these beautiful falls flow towards the Nile. Then we shall drive out of the park. For the rest of the journey enjoy abundant art and crafts sold by the road sides. We shall have a stopover for lunch at Ziwa rhino sanctuary. After Lunch we shall drive to Entebbe at Protea Hotel for refreshment before our evening flight back home.

End Of Safari and Our Services !

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