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Frequently Asked Questions

Can Harmony Safari Expeditions arrange my flights for me?

Yes, Harmony Safari Expeditions can take care of all your travel arrangements, from the moment you leave your hometown to the time you return.

What medical precautions do I need to take before traveling in Africa?

Apart from some portions of Southern Africa, most parts of Africa are malaria areas and it is recommended that travelers see their doctors for a course of prophylactics prior to travel. When traveling to Kenya,Tanzania and Rwanda you will require a recent yellow fever inoculation. Travelers traveling to Botswana, Zambia or Zimbabwe and coming from a yellow fever region must also be inoculated against yellow fever.

Can I use my credit card in Africa?

Visa and MasterCard are widely accepted in most restaurants, shops and hotels in most large cities throughout the continent. Diners Club and American Express may not be accepted in some countries. Proof of identification may be required when paying by credit card, so be sure to carry some form of photo identification at all times.

What should I be aware of when driving in Africa?

In most African countries traffic drives on the left and gives way to the right. Drivers must have a valid driver’s license, with photo, or an international driver’s permit. Seat belts are mandatory. Self-drive in South Africa and Namibia is easy to adapt to, with signposting in English and rental cars easily available in all major cities. There are a number of toll roads in South Africa that are clearly indicated well before reaching the toll stations, where payment may be made at an attended booth. Overtaking on the inside is not illegal in South Africa and is a common practice, so remember to be aware of cars on the inside when changing lanes. In general, speed limits are 120 km/h (75 miles/h) on freeways and 60 km/h (37 miles/h) in towns and cities. In Botswana, Kenya and Tanzania places of interest are generally only accessible by dirt roads, which are often in a bad condition during the rainy season. Road conditions vary widely and a 4x4 vehicle is usually necessary. Self-drive travel in these countries is not recommended.

Do I need a visa to travel in Africa?

As a rule, it is very likely that you will need a visa to travel to your selected destinations in Africa. Citizens of some countries (particularly the Commonwealth), may be exempt when traveling to specific African countries. As a rule, it is always a good idea to check visa requirements at your local embassy or consulate ahead of travel, as they do change quite frequently. Although some countries may offer visas at the place of entry, travelers are rather encouraged to obtain these prior to travel in order to save time and money. When entering an African country, your passport should generally be valid for at least six months longer than the duration of your stay and must have enough blank pages for the visa and entry stamps.

What type and standard of accommodation will I encounter?

A wide variety of accommodation, from five-star hotels to guesthouses, game lodges, bed and breakfasts, caravan camps and camps can be encountered in most tourist hotspots throughout Africa. In the cities there are also award-winning boutique hotels and spa resorts. However, accommodation in national parks and other places where numbers of visitors are limited can fill up quickly, particularly in high season, and it is recommended that you reserve all your accommodation as far in advance as possible.

How much luggage can I take?

If you are going on safari, remember that luggage capacity is limited on small planes and other modes of transport you are likely to use. It is likely that you will need to restrict your luggage to 15 kg (33 lb), packed in a soft duffle bag, plus a reasonable amount of camera equipment.

Where can I find an ATM?

ATMs are found throughout major city centres and shopping complexes in most parts of Africa.

How much should I tip?

Please only tip if you feel the service warrants it and use your common sense – there is no expectation for exorbitant tipping anywhere in Africa. We recommend that you tender small amounts to hotel or lodge staff at the end of your stay. When in doubt, please ask lodge managers for a tipping guideline. It is customary to tip 10% of the bill at all restaurants and 10% of the fare to taxi drivers.

Will I be able to access the internet?

Internet connectivity is slow in many places in Africa. Guests traveling to remote areas should be able to dial up, unless they are at a game lodge or camp in one of the many wilderness areas, where connections may be slow or non-existent. In most other African countries Internet connections are only available in the larger towns.

Is Africa a good birding destination?

Africa offers exceptional birding in diverse destinations, boasting not only an excellent array of indigenous species, but a large number of migrants. There are many Rift Valley lakes of eastern Africa with diverse birding destinations and huge variety of species, South Africa is also an excellent country for keen birders.

Will I be able to buy memory cards or film for my camera?

Memory cards and film are available in most large cities and towns. However, the quality may vary and it is recommended that you bring your own.

Is Africa a good destination for traveling with children?

Africa is a great destination for travel with children and you can be assured that all young travelers will receive the warmest welcome. Many safari lodges throughout Africa cater for specific age groups and arrange exciting activities for children, although children under six are generally not permitted on game drives. There are also a number of other adventures available, from beach holidays, boat rides and cruises, horse riding, surfing, hiking and many others.

Will I have cellphone reception in Africa?

When traveling in Africa you should be able to get cellphone reception, unless you are at a game lodge camp in one of the many wilderness areas. In some African countries, cellphone connections may only be available in and around the larger towns. Guests are advised to check with their cellphone operator before traveling. Cellphone cards can be purchases in most towns and at the larger airports. There is Blackberry connectivity across Kenya and in most African capital cities (even in Zanzibar and at the Ngorongoro Crater).

Is it ok to take photos everywhere in Africa?

As always, it is courteous to be sensitive and ask permission before photographing people. In most African countries it is illegal to take photos of airports and military installations.

Is it safe to travel in Africa?

Africa is perfectly safe to visit and the African people are renowned for their warm hospitality. As with any travel, it is a good idea to take the standard precautions. Keep your passport and valuables close at hand or safely locked away and don’t leave luggage unattended. When traveling in town, check with your tour operator or hotel concierge to see if there are any areas that should be avoided. Avoid isolated or deserted areas, particularly at night, ensure that your car is locked at all times and park in well-lit, busy areas. Avoid wearing excessive jewellery when exploring Africa’s diverse cities and make use of concealed travel wallets. When driving through Africa, it is not recommended to stop for hitchhikers.

Is the tap water safe to drink in Africa?

Tap water in most African countries are purified and is safe to drink, however, bottled water is highly recommended.

Should I take out travel insurance before my trip to Africa?

We strongly recommend that you take out adequate travel insurance when confirming your booking. This should cover any medical situation (such as hospitalization), as well as cancellation or curtailment of arrangements and loss of your baggage.

What clothes should I pack when traveling to Africa?

The most practical items to pack for an African safari are light cotton tops and cotton trousers or shorts in khaki, brown, white and beige. Due to the high altitude on the rim of Tanzania’s Ngorongoro Crater, night time temperatures are cold even in summer. Travelers to these regions should pack a fleece or sweater, as well as a warm jacket for game drives. Swimwear is a must when traveling to the coastal areas of South or East Africa. Comfortable walking shoes are essential for those planning bush walks or walking safaris. Guests intending to climb Mount Kilimanjaro should pack thermal underwear, light layers, a sweater, warm jacket, good socks and sturdy boots.

What is the electricity supply and what plugs are used?

The standard voltage throughout Africa is 220V AC. Southern Africa make use of three-pronged round plugs, while a three-pronged square plug is used in East Africa.

What kinds of food will I be able to eat?

Most large cities in Africa offer a large variety of restaurants and cuisines from around the world. Options in rural areas may be more limited, but most safari lodges and camps pride themselves on their cuisine, which may include variations on local specialties. Most places can cater for special diets, as long as they are given plenty of advance warning.

How physically demanding are your programs, especially the game drives and game viewing activities?

Generally, the safari programs are not physically demanding, and are enjoyed by anyone who is reasonably fit. The only physical activity on safari is a game walk, but usually they are not strenuous. Participation in these activities are at the discretion of tour participants

Harmony Safari Expeditions

Harmony Safari Expeditions